BKB Kanji - Lesson 11

Click on Kanji character for stroke order

BKB idxKanjiReadingDefinitionExamplesGenki Lesson
110 つく;サク to make Go! 8
111 およ;エイ swim Go! 0
112 あぶら;ユ oil Go! 0
113 うみ;カイ sea Go! 13
114 さけ;シュ rice wine; liquor Go! 0
115 ま;まち;タイ to wait Go! 22
116 コウ school Go! 7
117 ジ; とき time; o'clock Go! 3
118 い;ゲン to say Go! 8
119 ケイ;はか to measure Go! 21
120 word Go! 7
121 ハン food; cooked rice Go! 13